Meeting Rooms
Host your next meeting at the Library! Algonquin Area Public Library District cardholders may reserve meeting rooms at the Harnish Main Library or the Eastgate Branch Library. Before requesting a room, please review our Meeting Room Policy. Your request must be received a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the day and time you need the room. Room reservation requests are reviewed by the Library during regular business hours, Monday through Friday between 9am and 4:30pm. You will be contacted about your reservation during these hours. Payments are not processed until the request has been reviewed and approved. By placing your request, you agree to accept the following policy as approved by the Library Board of Trustees:
“The Library reserves the right to cancel the reservations for any meeting because of Library priorities. In the event the Library cancels a meeting reservation, that reservation may be rescheduled, relocated based on availability, or the fee will be refunded.”