The Algonquin Area Public Library District will host the Village of Algonquin’s Student Art Exhibit at the Harnish Main Library from April 1 through April 20.
The 6th Annual Student Art Exhibit is organized by the Village’s Public Arts Commission and features artworks created by local middle school students in a variety of media such as painting and drawing. Participating schools include Algonquin Middle School, Dundee Middle School, St. John’s Lutheran School, St. Margaret Mary Catholic School, and Westfield Community School.
The Commission recognizes “Best in Show” winners from each school. The overall prize in design and execution is awarded the Richard A. Rehwaldt Memorial Award, in honor of the late community arts supporter and former Algonquin Public Arts Commission member who helped develop the Village’s first student art exhibit in 2012.
The Library is pleased to host this year’s exhibit and invites the public to view the students’ works during regular library hours. For more information about Library hours and location, call 847-458-6060 or visit www.aapld.org/about-us. For more information about the exhibit itself, please contact Ben Mason, Village of Algonquin Senior Planner (847-658-4184).