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Adult programs

Wii Bowling for Adults

Friday, May 10 at 2:00pm. Join us for fun and exercise with Wii Bowling! All fitness levels are welcome. Four remotes for a team and single play also available. Compete for a grand prize for the winner! Please register here.

Adult programs

Without a Mask: Hockey’s Daredevil Goalies

Tuesday, January 26, 7-8:30 pm: Wooden sticks, shabby equipment and goalies who didn’t wear facemasks made up the the rough-and-tumble days of early hockey. And you thought Corey Crawford was tough! Don’t miss this action-packed presentation filled with glory, guts […]

Adult programs

Your Chance to Write That Book

November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, which challenges participants (known as “Wrimos”) to write that book they’ve always meant to write. NaNoWriMo helps writers track their word counts and get to 50,000 words in a mere 30 days. As […]