All Ages

Bookface Contest (April 1 – 13)

A “bookface photo” is when you replace your face or body with a book’s cover and then take a picture. Use any book and snap a photo…be creative! Submit entries to from April 1–13. Then, vote by liking your […]


Canines of McHenry County

Presented by the McHenry County Conservation District. Ages 10 years and up. Discover the different species of the canine family that call McHenry County home – including coyotes! Please register:

Library News

Changes Coming to Overdrive

Some changes to how Overdrive’s Holds function are on the horizon, and they will be user focused in one of the most efficient ways! These new updates will prevent situations where multiple holds are coming in at the same time, […]

All Ages


It’s Dinovember aka using the month of November to celebrate dinosaurs! At its most basic level, Dinovember is a whimsical photo series that encourages children (of all ages) to retain their sense of wonder and imagination, which are also characteristics […]

Library Events

Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22nd this year. When we come together, the impact can be monumental. Go green with us by making small changes that add up to making a big difference. Commit to earth-friendly acts, make more sustainable choices, […]


Families Who Play: Circus Time

For ages 3-9 years old with caregiver on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30pm. Families with children preschool aged-through elementary school are invited to join us under the big top for stories, crafts, games and more.

All Ages

Festive Events

Get into the season with us at AAPLD and attend these creative, fun events for all ages. Youth • Halloween Storytime with Clarendale Residents (Ages 1-6 with caregiver | Oct. 23 at 10 am | Register) • Little Scientists – […]

All Ages

Find Felix in Our Scavenger Hunt

Explore the community while finding our golden friend, Felix! Go to the local businesses you see in the clues to collect tickets. When you complete your game board with your tickets, you are entered into a drawing to win a […]

Adult Craft Classes

Fleece Blankets for Soldiers

Visit our Makerspace during its open hours during the month of November, and you can tie a fleece blanket for a solider during the month of November. A blanket may seem like a simple gift–but think how much warmth and […]