Don’t have an Algonquin Area Public Library card? Click here.
Something About the Author
A collection of biographies of authors and illustrators associated with youth literature.
History/Social Studies
Algonquin Area Obituaries Index
Search for obituaries appearing in the Algonquin/LITH Countryside and Northwest Herald newspapers.
America’s Obituaries and Death Notices (HeritageHub)
HeritageHub provides access to hundreds of years of obituaries and death notices from thousands of newspapers across the United States. Click here to learn how to use HeritageHub
Archive Grid
Search historical collections held by thousands of archives, libraries, museums and historical societies around the world.
Birthday Time Capsule
Type in your birthdate and create a "time capsule" for the day you were born, including headlines, prices, top songs and TV shows, favorite toys, and popular books.
Digital Past
This collection features books and pamphlets, photographs, and maps related to the history of Algonquin, Lake in the Hills, and McHenry County. Each book includes a text transcription and is fully searchable by keyword.
EBSCO Explora (Masterfile, History Reference Center, Science Reference Center)
Articles arranged by topic: Arts and Literature, Biography, Current Events, Geography and Culture, Health, History and Social Science, Science and Math. Search for magazine articles, videos and primary documents.
HeritageHub (America's Obituaries and Death Notices)
HeritageHub provides access to hundreds of years of obituaries and death notices from thousands of newspapers across the United States. Click here to learn how to use HeritageHub
Illinois Digital Archives
Books, pamphlets, photographs, and maps related to the history of Algonquin, Lake in the Hills and McHenry County. All featured titles are held in the possession of the Algonquin Area Public Library.
Newspapers.com - World Collection
Newspapers.com is the largest online newspaper archive consisting of 300+ million pages of historical newspapers from 8,400+ newspapers from around the United States and beyond.
U.S. Major Daily News
Search full-text articles, classifieds, obituaries, marriage notices, and more from the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and WSJ Magazine (dates vary).
World Factbook
The World Factbook, a website from the CIA, provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and physical and political maps for 267 world entities.
Birthday Time Capsule
Type in your birthdate and create a "time capsule" for the day you were born, including headlines, prices, top songs and TV shows, favorite toys, and popular books.
BrainFuse HelpNow!
Interact with live tutors for homework help, test preparation, writing assistance, and much more! This service is available from 2 to 11pm. New users need to create a free account.
EBSCO Explora (Masterfile, History Reference Center, Science Reference Center)
Articles arranged by topic: Arts and Literature, Biography, Current Events, Geography and Culture, Health, History and Social Science, Science and Math. Search for magazine articles, videos and primary documents.
An index to journal articles and reports in education.
First Search
This search tool allows access to several databases including World Almanac, ArticleFirst, ERIC (journal articles and reports on education), and MEDLINE (articles on medicine, including dentistry and nursing).
Gale Virtual Reference Library
A database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Includes Grzimek's Animals Guide, American Decades, Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, Business Plans, and more!
Health & Wellness Resource Center
Provides access to thousands of full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, and multimedia, covering a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices
How Products Are Made
Gale Resources brings us a new database with great detailed descriptions and pictures about how things are made. Search by keyword or through an alphabetic list including televisions, DVD players, gum, and more!
How Stuff Works
If you’re interested in learning how stuff works through words and pictures, check out this site! This site has sections covering Auto, Science, Health, Entertainment, Travel, Computer, Electronics, Home, Money, and People.
LearningExpress Library
A set of online learning centers including practice for the ACT/SAT, GRE, LSAT, CDL, NCLEX, ASVAB, US Citizenship, and a wide variety of other career and academic tests and courses.
Mango Languages
Over 70 foreign languages to explore - Over 20 ESL courses taught in patron's native language -Learn anytime and anywhere with remote access and FREE mobile app!
Newspapers.com - World Collection
Newspapers.com is the largest online newspaper archive consisting of 300+ million pages of historical newspapers from 8,400+ newspapers from around the United States and beyond.
Scholastic Teachables
Worksheets, lesson plans, learning games, and more! Download printable lesson plans, reading passages, games and puzzles, clip art, bulletin board ideas, and skills sheets for kids in any grade.
Something About the Author
A collection of biographies of authors and illustrators associated with youth literature.
World Factbook
The World Factbook, a website from the CIA, provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and physical and political maps for 267 world entities.
EBSCO Explora (Masterfile, History Reference Center, Science Reference Center)
Articles arranged by topic: Arts and Literature, Biography, Current Events, Geography and Culture, Health, History and Social Science, Science and Math. Search for magazine articles, videos and primary documents.
How Products Are Made
Gale Resources brings us a new database with great detailed descriptions and pictures about how things are made. Search by keyword or through an alphabetic list including televisions, DVD players, gum, and more!
How Stuff Works
If you’re interested in learning how stuff works through words and pictures, check out this site! This site has sections covering Auto, Science, Health, Entertainment, Travel, Computer, Electronics, Home, Money, and People.